Once we moved to Great Falls and got settled, our next big project was convincing my Grandpa to come for a visit. Rocky Boy Indian Reservation is just a few hours north of here and he worked there in the 50's for the Bureau of Indian Affairs and in fact my Dad was born there and is an honorary member of the Souix nation. Some of my Grandpa's old friends still live there, with old being the operative word there! We knew if we were going to get him up here for a visit it needed to be sooner rather then later. So my parents and Aunts kind of shanghaied him into coming. Cheap airline tickets were found which is a must for my Depression- era Grandfather and conference weekend my Grandpa and parents came it visit. We had an absolutly fantastic time and made some great memories. We were unable to make it to the Hansen Family Reunion this year so I was so glad that my kids got a chance to visit with Grandpa one on one.
Here's Nana and some of the grandkids on the wagon ride.