We had a visit last night from the tooth fairy. I was of two minds about whether to invite her to our home or not. I don't mind having my children believe in Santa Clause, but I'm becoming more uncomfortable about the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy and others. However, we decided to give it a go.
Can't Win
First Lost Tooth!
Last night we reach other mile-stone in child rearing. After about a month and a half of wiggling and jiggling, Sam lost his first tooth!!
If you look REALLY hard, you'll see a little white speck in his hand. Oh, and also notice that Sam's eyes are closed. He seems to think that closing his eyes for pictures is really funny. We were lucky in the above pic.
In this next picture you might be able to see that the permanent tooth is already grown in quite a bit. In fact, we noticed it growing in before the baby tooth started getting all that loose. It's about 2-3 millimeters behind where the baby tooth was. Kind of weird, but there's not much that is normal about Sam's teeth. The dentist has already told us we should take him in to an orthodontist when he turns 7 or 8. He has cross bites, over bites, extremely narrow bridges, and who knows what else. We do have a savings account for him, maybe we should rename it the dental account. Oh brother-in-law John, why couldn't you be an Orthodontist!?!
Even though it's not quite April
when faces called flowers float out of the ground
Culinary update and other things
My mint brownies were not the success I had hoped they would be. While the mint and chocolate top two layers were delicious, the brownie layer was rubbery and, strangely enough, salty, though there wasn't much salt in the recipe and I know I didn't overdo it. I guess you just can't make a low fat brownie and expect it to be all that good. So now I have a large pan of brownies that I had hoped to give most away. Luckily Sam seems to like them.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Rob really wanted corned beef and cabbage today. I'm afraid I couldn't go along because I have this aversion to corned beef, even though I have never had it. While I was growing up, my idea was that corned beef was actually canned beef. I had this image in my mind of a can of greasy, pale beef swimming in some kind of liquid that had corn in it. Gross. It wasn't until I met Rob that I learned that corned beef is actually beef brisket that has been seasoned with peppercorns, hence the corned part of the name. I found a recipe from an Irish cookbook that has you rubbing the spices (peppercorns, cloves, allspice, others I can't remember) into the brisket every day for a week before you even think about beginning to cook. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I suppose these prejudices we develop as children really do stick with us, even when we know they are erroneous. So we're having carnitas for dinner tonight, which literally means 'little meats' and is in no way Irish or even northern European. I am making mint brownies for dessert with the mint layer dyed green as my one concession to St. Patrick. Ok, I am also wearing green today. Two concessions.
What's in a name
The time has come for us to buy a second car; a minivan. As reliable and serviceable as our little Suzuki Esteem is, we just can't fit another car seat into it, not to mention all the camping gear we are slowly accumulating. We've been talking about this for a while now, and just last Monday made our first foray onto an actual car dealership lot. In fact, this is my first foray ever. I've never been in a position to buy a car before and have never test drove anything. Rob's an old hand at this so I let him do most of the talking. Anyway, what I never realized before is that all car salesmen have strange names. At least, I must assume they do. We've looked at three different brands of vans this week with three different car salesmen, each with an odd or unusual name. Sno showed us the Mazda, Butch showed us the Kia, and Cleve showed us the Toyota. Is there a rule about this in the car salesman code? Do they change their names to make them more memorable? I don't understand. Can it be coincidence that three different men in different parts of the state who have the same job and have weird names are the three men that we happen to run into on the dealership lot?
Last Weekend
I just received an email from my mom telling me that one of her friends, and mine, from our old Mesa ward passed away today. There were many of the women in that ward who influenced my life but few more then Ann Rogers. She was my Mia Maid advisor and I got to know her pretty well because I was the Mia Maid president. Then after I started college she helped me get a job at her brother's clinic when I was at home. She was the accountant there so I saw her every day and really enjoyed her company.
I keep changing the look of my blog. I'm just trying to find something that I really like...thats really me. This current one feels pretty good. We'll see how long it lasts.