
And it's not even Christmas yet!

Look at all this loot!!!

Here's someone who just can't wait to get her hands on it all.


Eva Video

Just took this of Eva. She really wants to get out of the saucer and is on the verge of crying so it's not as good as it could be. Sorry about my silly talking-to-babies voice.

American Faces

These photo's were taken by my grandfather during the 40's-60's. Fantastic, aren't they?



I mentioned in the post before this that we went to a nativity display yesterday put on by the Spokane Stake. It was truly amazing to see so many nativities in so many different styles in one place. I could have spent hours in the main room, but it was not at all kid friendly. Luckily, there was a kid friendly room with plenty of things for the kids to do. Here are some pictures of our kids playing dress-up. It took a bit of talking them into it because none of the other kids there were doing it. However, once they saw how much fun Sam and Grace were having it became the most popular activity in the room! What can I say, we're trendsetters. Eva did not like her sheep costume, but she makes a pretty cute one, don't you think?

The Santa Conundrum

Do your kids believe in Santa? Mine do; though with Sam I think it is more that he wishes, almost desperately, to believe rather then that he really does believe as Grace does. His poor, logical, 1st grade self has been assaulted with too many inconsistencies and realities and he's been trying so hard to ignore them. Grace has no doubt that there is a jolly and kindly old man who lives at the north pole and spends all his time devoted to making toys for good little girls and boys. Let her see three different 'Santa Clauses' at three different locations in one short span of time and she has no questions. I don't have a problem with my children believing in Santa Clause. Belief in the joy of selfless giving, whether or not it is embodied in something 'real' can't be a bad thing. I'm kind of sad that this is probably the last Christmas that Sam will even kind of believe, but more because this means he is growing up and out into the world.

What does Santa mean in your home? Is he an example of service and charity or of strictly commercial value? Or is he used as a disciplinary threat i.e. only good children get presents from Santa? Last night we attended a nativity display put on by one of the stakes here in Spokane. It was amazing with hundreds of different nativities and depictions of the birth and life of Christ. ( Incidentally there was one with Santa kneeling by the manger.) They also had a children's room with the more hardy nativities that the kids could touch and other activities such as coloring and dress-ups. We had a lot of fun there. Just as we were leaving, another family came in. The mom started getting her kids dressed up in the costumes so she could take some pictures. One son, about Sam's age I would guess, did not want to participate. She started arguing with him and I distinctly heard her say as I was going out, "Do you want Santa to bring you any presents?"
That's really want got me started thinking about this whole issue. I've tried not to use the idea of Santa in this way. In fact, its more my kids that use it on each other, which is pretty funny to hear sometimes. Anyway. It's in issue that many families have to deal with at sometime or another. So, what does Santa mean to you?