
Happy Birthday Sam!!!

A week late, though let's be clear that it's this post that is a week late... the celebrations occurred right on time. It's crazy to think that my little son is 6 already. I keep having to buy him bigger clothes which is a wrench not only to my wallet but to my heart because he's growing so fast! 

I think we managed to make Sam's birthday special. We got up early to take him to our favorite breakfast place over in Moscow; he had a party at school; and we spent the afternoon in Spokane picking up this little beauty of a bike you see below:

Then it was back home to enjoy Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner (which I have a suspicion that Sam picked because it is the ONLY meal which he likes but Grace doesn't. Usually she'll eat just about anything and he is the picky one). Then there were more presents and then the cake. THE CAKE!!!!! I tried a new recipe and had my doubts about it up until I put a bite in my mouth and then swooned. 
Since then we've been working on teaching Sam to ride his big new bike. Our efforts have been hampered my wet, cold, and snowy weather, though we did have a nice day last Saturday and spent some time at the park doing this:

He's learning fast and I think by the time spring is here and I'm ready to get on a bike again, he'll be good to go. 
Sam's extraordinarily happy to be 6. The mantle of authority and expertise that comes with being a whole year older has settled gracefully on his shoulders. This entire past week he's been saying things like, "I can run so much faster now that I'm 6", and "I'm stronger now I'm 6", and "I know how to do that now that I'm 6", and "Grace, you have to do what I say because you're only 3 but I'm 6".  Unfortunately for him, this last one doesn't really work. Grace may be only 3, but in her head she's older then us all. 


Suzie-Q said...

I am glad that he had a good B-day! It sounds like you really spoiled him on his big day. Cool Bike! I'm jealous!

Maren and Blake said...

A bike. Wow! I am sure he will have some good times on that beauty. I would love the cake recipe. It looks delicious in the picture and extra chocolaty.

Danielle said...

That is so funny! Garrick will do the same thing to Aleksia! Wow, he's already wanting to ride it as a 2 wheeler! Garrick got a 2 wheeler for Easter last year, and rode all summer with the training wheels, and tried a couple times without, but with no success. Go Sam! You will motivate Garrick to do the same soon too!

NanaH said...

Rachel, you are the best of mothers. I am so proud of you for all you do for your children. What lucky kids you have.