
Eva at two weeks


Birth Day and birthday

Whew! What a week this has been. So Rob and I went into the hospital early, EARLY Sunday morning to start the induction process. After going through all the same paperwork and answering all the same questions that we did weeks before at our pre-admission tour, (why even have one if we have to do all the same things when we are actually admitted?) and having my hand killed by a nurse in a hurry to get in the IV, I was started on pitocin and we waited for the contractions to start. And they did start. And then stopped and then started again and then stopped. 11 hours later, after being on the full dose for 5 hours, I was no closer to having a baby then when we started. Frustrating, to say the least. Especially compared to Grace's birth, which was also induced, and was as pleasant and easy an experience as labor could ever be. The doctor offered to break my water if I really wanted that, but she was obviously disinclined to take that route and instead wanted me to go home. Rob and I both felt that while going home still pregnant wasn't in any way desirable, my body and the baby were obviously not ready to give birth that day. So we scheduled another try for Tuesday and headed home. And I have to say, that Monday was one of the most relaxing and pleasant days I have had in a long time. I stayed away from the phone and the computer and just enjoyed being with my family and the beautiful day. 

Tuesday came and we went back to the hospital and did all the same paper work and answered all the same questions again. Why, oh why, I don't know. It isn't as though I was going to develop an allergy or start smoking in the day since I had last been there. I am glad to say that the nurse who did the IV was much more gentle and careful. Then followed another full day of contractions, this time only somewhat harder but much more regular. By 5 that afternoon, I was pretty sure we were going to get sent home again. After check progress, my doctor confirmed my suspicions that not a whole lot was happening, but he was much more encouraging about having my water broken. SO, after some talk Rob and I decided to go for it and the doctor broke my water. Almost immediately I went into really intense labor and also immediately regretted my decision and wanted to go home. Labor really hurts! The anesthesiologist was in surgery so it was almost an hour before I could get any relief. I'm sorry for anyone coming to the maternity ward at that time. My room was right at the front and the door was open I think almost all the time since nurses kept coming in and out. I'm afraid I was pretty loud, but at least not profane. Once I got the epidural, I felt much better and even could doze a bit till it came time to push. Unfortunately, by this time the epidural was starting to wear off a bit and so the actual birth was horrid and loud and painful, but at least it was quick. Beautiful Eva Elaine Packer was born at 8:48pm weighing 8lbs 9oz and 21 inches long. 

She is a wonderful baby, sleeping and eating well, and adored by her siblings. They compete about just about anything anyway, so now they compete about who gets to hold Eva first or help me with whatever. Sam gets almost giddy just holding her and Grace is determined to be a great older sister.

We've been home now for two days and things are going very well. A super big thank you to everyone who has helped out by visiting, bringing meals and flowers, and taking care of Sam and Grace while I was otherwise occupied. Especially to the Hustons... I can't thank you guys enough for all you did this week! I hope you'll let me reciprocate when your time comes Danielle!
This post is getting exhaustively long, but luckily Eva's about to wake up so I'll have to wrap things up. Today is my 30th birthday (thanks to the well wisher on Facebook!) and even though our lovely spring sunshine has turned to dreary rain, I feel that this is going to be a great day. I have a lovely new baby to add to my wonderful family, I get to celebrate Easter tomorrow with it's eternal message of love and hope, I have great friends and family to be with and who care about me, and I get to have my all time favorite coconut layer cake for dessert tomorrow! Who could ask for more then that?!


To our unknown Benefactor

Thank you so much to whoever it was that sent us the blue gingham dress from The Children's Place. It is adorable! The package came in the mail yesterday but there is no clue to whom it is from. I love the dress, and now Grace is convinced that she needs a dress just like it. I'll have to look around and see what I can find. Thanks again, whoever you are!

Luke 21:19

It has been a looooong sloooooow week here in the Packer household. I have spent countless hours wondering when my body would be returned to me; when the swelling in my hands, feet and face (not to mention tummy!) would go down; when my jaw would return to it's normal position; and most critically, when is this baby going to come!! I saw my doctor on Monday and we discussed my physical and mental state and came up with many options. The end of the conversation resulted in my being scheduled to be induced on Thursday. I can't even describe the ease this gave to my mind. Thursday was the perfect day to have a baby. My mother-in-law would be here to watch Sam and Grace, I could have a leisurely day or two in the hospital and come home in time to catch some of General Conference. Well, I should have known it was too good to be true. Almost 24 hours to the minute of my doctor visit, the hospital called to cancel. Lots of c-sections to be done on Thursday and there just wouldn't be personal to take care of me. Disappointing. I was rescheduled for Saturday. And can I just say that adding two extra days to my wait felt like two extra weeks or even months! But Saturday was going to be good too. Elaine would be still here to be with the kids, and there would be at least some time for her to be with her newest grand-daughter before she would have to go home Sunday afternoon. Well, it shouldn't be any surprise to hear that last night the hospital called and canceled again! This time there is a very sick baby in the nursery that is taking up all the nurses time. And how can I resent the sick baby for messing up my schedule? SO, now were looking at tomorrow for my induction which, if things progress quickly, means that Elaine may get a few minutes to see her grand-daughter for whom she's been here for 4 days waiting to see before she has to drive all the way back home. I have decided that maybe being induced just isn't in the cards for me this time and so if (when) the hospital calls today to cancel again hopefully I wont be too disappointed. As for going into labor on my own, I can't say that there has been any indication that baby Packer is ready and wanting to make an appearance. You know, a month ago I was convinced that I wouldn't go past 38 weeks, 39 at the very latest. Now here we are at DD+1 and I'm afraid that we'll go much beyond that. 

Now I'm going to go buy some baby plants so I'll at least of something to take care of since I don't have a baby at the moment!