
Another Eva Video



Grace at 6 months

Eva at 5 months

Budget wise it is nice to have two girls in a row and both born about the same time of year so I can reuse Grace's clothes for Eva. Being a second daughter myself, I know that this will be a source of conflict in the future when either Eva rebels at having to wear hand-me-downs, or Grace will be upset with sharing her clothes with her pesky little sister. Of course, with 4 years between them by the time they are close enough in size to be sharing (stealing) each others clothes Grace will probably be about ready to leave for college.

The definitely have the same mouth and nose, don't you think?



Here's a cute video I took of Eva today. I can't believe how big she is!


Aiming High

For about a year, if one were to ask Sam what he wanted to be when he grew up he would tell one that he wanted to be a 'worker'. We've been able to deduce that a 'worker', in Sam's mind, is a builder or construction worker. Which really could encompass many professions, including architect, engineer, contractor, etc. Today, however, he narrowed things down quite a bit. He told me that he didn't want to be a worker that builds things. No, he wants to be a builder that digs holes. That's right. My son, my first born, aspires to be a ditch digger.




1st day for Grace

Grace was really excited to start preschool today. She's been somewhat lonely at home since Sam started school last week. She really likes her new teachers and is especially thrilled with the pink princess plates that are in her classroom for the kids to play with. There are lots of little girls in her class to be friends with and the teachers have fun things planned throughout the year.
So now its just me and Eva at home in the mornings. Though I think she and I are going to be taking some classes ourselves. We'll start out with Regular Sleeping Habits 101!

The Trials of Girls

What little girl hasn't tried to curl her hair by wrapping it around a comb? I distinctly remember trying it myself with a round brush when I was about 6. Grace had this comb wound so tightly in her hair I was afraid we'd have to pull out the scissors and start cutting. Luckily, I remembered a story I heard at the Idaho Jr. Miss competition two years ago. The emcee was discribing how she got her hair wound up in a round brush just hours before the final competition. While she, her mom, and her sister had hysterics, her dad calmly got his pliers out and pulled all the bristles out of the brush and released her hair. So that's what we did with Grace. I had to break the teeth off the comb, but it was a cheap one so it was fairly easy and not a loss to throw it away at the end. She did lose a little hunk of hair during the process, but nothing like the damages if we had had to cut the comb out. I think she learned her lesson so we wont have to be doing this again. At least not until Eva tries it!