
Welcome to the family

It's late at night Friday. Well,actually not that late, but I'm pretty tired so it feels late. I'm writing on our brand spanking new iPad and I just can't seem to turn it off and go to bed. This thing is so much fun! Rob's been saving his pennies for this since it was announced; well,really before it was announced because he knew something like this was coming. Anyway, he had a target of September to buy it, but we had an unexpected windfall this week that got him exactly to his goal to buy this nifty thing. So happy early graduation to rob!!!! Now you just have to make sure you get through your defense successfully.
So we've only had the iPad for a few days but we've all been using it a lot. We have to use the timer for Sam and Grace to make sure that they both get equal time playing. They've been so excited about it that it really has almost felt like we have a new member of the family! I suppose that feeling will wear off with time. Until then, however, in suppose I'm going to be having a hard time getting to bed!



Hello my lovelies

This is the first year that we've been serious about having a garden. We had a garden plot at the community garden in Pullman two years ago but out-of-town vacations quickly lead to weed takeovers and we harvested very little. Last year we had some tomato and pepper plants in pots on the deck which were nice, but we didn't get as much produce as I wanted. This year we decided to follow Mel Bartholemew's Square Foot Gardening technique. Rob built two 2x4 boxes for me and him and two 2x2 boxes for the kids. We planted a few weeks ago, a little early it turns out because we had a few frosty nights. However, we only lost a few sprouts and one tomato plant. Here's to my future salads and salsas. Aren't they looking great?