
Meet Wobbles

Sam's birthday is tomorrow. He's asked for many, many things. Most of which he wont get. One thing he asked for is a stuffed penguin. I don't know why he wants one, but I figured I could comply with this request. I found the pattern online here. It actually was quite easy to make, though this little guy has quite a few mistakes in him which I'm sure Sam will never notice but I will every time I look at him. I've named him Wobbles cause he's a little unsteady on his feet but for all that I think he's pretty cute.


Suzie-Q said...

I think it is great! So cute! that is funny that he would ask for this. Is this his favorite animal?

Maren and Blake said...

So cute! Let us know exactly why Sam wanted a penguin, when he tells you.

NanaH said...

Well done Rachel. You are becoming quite the sewer.

Erin Tingey said...

So so so adorable!!

Katie said...

I'm impressed Rachel. Nice job.

I totally agree on the sleep thing. I didn't figure it out with Spencer but with Lily and Grant. Schedule was the key. My kids are in bed at 7-7:30 and sleep until 8 in the morning. Love my evenings.