
Rage, Rage against the Dying of the Light

Why, oh why, will someone please tell me, is it necessary in this day and age to subject us to the grueling practise of daylight savings! Don't give me arguments that it saves energy or other such nonsense. There are plenty of studies that show it saves not a dime. And in fact the loss of life at 'Fall Back' time is considerable. When one day it is light at 5pm and the next it is dark, American drivers get befuddled and forget that they need to watch for pedestrians in all that blackness. About 40 more people die each year from daylight savings time related deaths. You are 3 times more likely to be struck by a car when walking at dusk after the end of daylight savings then at any other time of the year. These numbers drop off about a month after the switch which indicate that it is in fact the switch itself that causes them. And, truly, is there anything more depressing then seeing it is dark outside and then realizing that it is only 4-bloody-30 in the afternoon!! So I beseech you, tell me why this is necessary! I don't even care whether we are on summer time or winter time, just pick one and STICK WITH IT!!


Katie said...

I totally agree. Arizona has it right. GO AZ! I do like the extra hour of sleep in the fall, but that's only one night so not really worth it. It feels so much later to me when it's dark and I feel like I need to put the kids to bed and it's only 5p.m. uggg...

Kimball said...

You are the one who chose to live in the NorthWest where the sun goes down early in the winter. Just remember all that lovely daylight in the summer. We, of course, don't have to worry about daylight savings except in trying to remember what time it is in the place I am calling. Love ya

Kimball said...

Oh, by the way, in case you couldn't figure out why dad sounds like mom its because I(mom) posted that last comment.

Alleman Family said...

SO TRUE!! It makes me miss AZ. They don't have to do the whole spring forward and fall back thing. Also, Bry now wakes up at the crack of dawn... Not good all around!

StrykerMan said...

You speak the truth Rachel. We just did a Pedestrian Safety ad campaign at work during the month of October for precisely that reason!