
The Dog Days

Out of nowhere Pullman decides to hit us with some real summer days. We'll be hitting 100 degrees and beyond tomorrow and I'd like to point out that I've checked the weather forecast for all the places where my family live and with no exception, not even those in Arizona, we'll be the most miserable tomorrow. Factor in our lack of A/C and windows that face full west and I almost want to cry.  However, by Wednesday we should be back in the 60's and raining... so a typical day in this not so typical Pullman summer. I have to say this has been the coolest summer I think of my life. By the end of it I'll probably be able to use my fingers to count the number of times we hit 90 and beyond. Growing up in Arizona, I'm not used to summers like this. I like it! 


Katie said...

I'm with you on the cooler summers. When I went back to Arizona a few weeks ago to visit Michelle, I went to the store at 10p.m and it said that it was still 101 degrees outside. I don't know how we did it when we were younger cause I can't even handle heat like that. I'm a total baby these days (it could be the extra 50lbs I'm carrying with this baby) but I like it cool!

Kleinmans said...

I think I'm moving to Pullman next summer! =)

Letty said...

At least our tomatoes enjoyed the 100 degree days. ;0)