
O frabjous day!

Our neighbors are moving!!!! Pure joy is making my little heart leap and frolic with glee. No more  cigarette and pipe smoke pouring into my bedroom window while I try to sleep, no more waking up at 4 am Sunday morning to listen to domestic altercations that end with visits from the police and trips to the E.R. because of aggravated assault and battery, no more vulgar and foul language to listen to, no more holding my breath when passing their apartment in the stairwell. 


Until the next ones move in. 

Who could be even worse, though I'm struggling to conceive how. 

1 comment:

Katie said...

Congrats on the neighbors leaving. In our first apartment the people under us were the epitomy of white trash. Their apartment was so dirty that there wasn't even a path way to walk down the halls. You could hear their little boy watching movies at 2a.m and the smoke would seep up to our bedroom. The best was that their little boy was pretty heavy and he would wear these big underwear and run through the sprinklers and his underwear wouldn't stay up so you saw this chunky boy's bum crack as he would run around. I don't know why I'm telling you this only that it always made Chad and I laugh...