
The Dangers of Public School

Some lovely little child in Grace's preschool class has taught her that it is acceptable to...  how to put this delicately... no, there's just no way. I'll just have to be blunt. Taught her to pick her nose and then eat whatever she finds there. I KNOW that she didn't learn this at home since Rob and I have no such uncleanly habits, and Sam can't bring himself to put his fingers in his mouth even if there's something good on them like chocolate or honey. So in an attempt to head this behavior off, I've told Grace that it will make her very sick if she continues. I'm fairly sure this is a lie. However, since I will certainly be very sick if she continues, I feel justified. 


Maren and Blake said...

There are worse things she could learn in public school, however, this is pretty gross.

Suzie-Q said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I think it makes me sick too!!!
And worst of all I think Hailey has picked this habit up from somewhere too, I haven't actually seen her do it but Rob says that he has seen her do it! YUCK!!!

Spencer said...

she might have seen me too much during christmas break rachel. sorry for the reinforcement

NanaH said...

Not Grace! Tell her a princess would never do anything so common.