
Dear Baby

It appears that I have to remind you that this is MY body, not yours. Please remember this the next time you feel the urge to kick, pinch, squeeze, bounce, roll, hit, and tangle my innards ALL NIGHT LONG. 


Maren and Blake said...

I just remebered why I don't want to get pregnant again, for awhile at least.

Suzie-Q said...

You might think this sound unreal but even at almost 13 weeks I am pretty sure I felt mine move last night.

Letty said...

amen sister! Seriously...I'm ready to have my body back. At least my insides. I'm willing to share the milk but the innards...yeah I'm ready!

Danielle said...

I second that Amen! Why do they suddenly become MORE active when it's time for you to sleep? And it's not the sweet little kicks that bring a smile to your face, they are the "Ooo, that hurts!" kind of movements now!