
1st back-packing trip

Rob promised the kids at the beginning of the summer that he would take them each backpacking, but with a new baby and moving and PhD work, it wasn't until last weekend that he could make good on his promise. He and Sam left Friday afternoon to drive to Priest Lake, about an hour's drive north from Spokane. When we had first discussed a back-packing trip for the kids, I had been thinking Rob would find a nice, short, maybe-a-mile-but-only-just hike to ease them in to the experience. I was somewhat surprised when he told me that it was a THREE mile hike to the campground. Now, three miles is really all that long, but when you have a heavy backpack on your back, it can make things not much fun. However, Sam was a trooper and enjoyed almost all of it. He did get quite a few mosquito bites on the hike, but their campsite right on the lake's edge was pretty much mosquito free. The lake was warm enough for some swimming and Rob said he could hardly get Sam out of the water. They both had a great time. Grace's turn is this weekend, and actually Rob has decided on just a camping trip, not backpacking with her. She wont mind. I think it's mostly just spending time with Dad one-on-one that is the biggest draw. I'm not sure where they will be going, but it will be by a lake so she can get some swimming in too. And perhaps, if I start feeling adventurous, there will be a whole family camping trip soon!


Jenny said...

I'm so jealous that you live in such a beautiful place that there are actually place to hike UP. I miss the mountains so much! Sam must have been in heaven to have that time with his dad!! Now I want to force my husband to take our kids camping too!!

Maren and Blake said...

The fondess memories I have are backpacking with my dad. I am sure this will be expected every year after this. It looks like Sam just had a blast.

Did you girls have a girls night?

Maren and Blake said...
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Suzie-Q said...

WOW! that looks like a lot of fun. three miles is amazing with that big backpack on, and for sucha little boy. I don't think I could do it that is for sure.
Looks like a great place to go, it is so pretty.
Glad that you being able to settled in your new place and Rob is getting his school stuff all figured out up there.

Danielle said...

How fun! We miss you guys! We had a pool party last week and the kids said, "Lets invite Sam and Grace! . . . Oh wait (disapointment in their voices, they live FAAAAR away." And they have done that several times, forgotten that you've moved! We make a trip to Spokane every couple months, and we will DEFINATLY give you a call when we do!

Erin Tingey said...

Does Rob want to take Johnny next, after Grace?!
It looks so beautiful!!! WHen John asks me where I want to live, I say the Northwest.
He says, oh you mean the southwest. NO, No I say back. The NORTHwest. I love you and miss you