
The trouble with doing your best

Those of you who have been reading my blog from its beginning know that I was rather heavily involved in our Primary's Sacrament Meeting Program in that I was the writer, directer, AND producer. I even had to jump in at the last minute and give one of the key parts when one of the children didn't make it to the performance. (I don't mean to insinuate that I did it all on my lonesome. Without the support and help of many people it would never have gotten done.) Anyway, it really came off very well inspite of me and I have been feeling rather pleased with myself over the whole thing. Turns out that other people also thought I did a good job, at least with the writing part because I have now been asked to write the Christmas program for the ward choir. Oh joy. And the choir directer is one of those super sweet, lovely ladies that you just can't say no to! Luckily, I only have to come up with 10-15 minutes of dialogue, and much of that I can just pull from the scriptures. I suppose I should be glad that I wasn't asked to sing a solo, but since that really would never happen it isn't much of a consolation.

Sam announced today that winter was coming to get us. And on a cold, rainy, blustery day like today that is how it feels.


StrykerLOVE said...

feel lucky that you have cold wintery days. its like az here in utah and not at all like it should be to get us in the mood of christmas and winter. let it be like this in feb but not now!

Katie said...

I still think you should write a book.

Letty said...

You did do a great job! I think you would do a great job with the sacrament program. Believe me I was relieved when you said you would do it again next year! Woo hoo...that gets me off the hook. Besides you are much more talented in that department!