
Eva moves

This is mostly for the grandparents. Eva really likes her car seat (when she's not strapped in it) so we keep toys in it to amuse her. Sorry the picture gets jiggley at the end; I'm trying to scoot across the floor so she can't quite get me.


Suzie-Q said...

Wow! What a little mover you have on you hands. I keep thinking into the future and realize it won't be that long before Edwin starts this.

Erin Tingey said...

That is one cute baby! I love her look that says "Uh Mom why are you scooting away from me. I don't understand this game.." I was feeling a little not excited about another BABY but that little video helped me feel better. Thanks to Eva. I just wish I was having a girl so I could name her Eva too, or Charlotte. I do not have a boy name, at all. PS- your the very first to know...John signed the contract with the guy in MT early this morning! Of course we still have to send it off and pay the up front $$ but still I thought it was a big step for him, and us. I will host all future sister weekends!

NanaH said...

Doesn't your heart melt every time she smiles at you. She has the funniest laugh. I don't know if I can wait until February to see her.