
It's a Girl!!!

Bring on the princesses and all things pink (and sometimes purple), we're adding to the female population of Packers! The very first thing the ultrasound tech did was show us the baby's bum and two legs with nothing in between. Then we went on to discover that our baby sucks her thumb and WILL NOT stop moving which is just what I need considering I already have a little girl who is perpetually in motion. She has the cutest little pair of feet you've ever seen, which she obviously knows since no matter what the tech was trying to get a picture of she managed to get her feet in the shot. Show off.  

So the next order of business is to pull out all the boxes of little clothes I've been saving for almost 6 years and figure out what I have, what I need, and what I need to get rid of. I'll probably be dumping most of the boy clothes I've saved through the years (though there are a few outfits I know I wont be able to let go... he was my first baby after all) so if there's anyone looking for baby boy clothes, let me know.  Then we'll need to start discussing girl names and we will NOT be drawing from the kids lists (Grace has added Hello Kitty and Cookie to hers) but if anyone has any cute girl names they want to share, feel free. And finally I have to figure out how to convince this new child to try and be more like her big brother then her big sister. Two girls like Grace, love her though I do, would be just too much!


Maren and Blake said...

Yeah for girls. You will now be able to overpower the boys. I am so happy for you. If you are trying to get rid of the boys clothes, I know my cousin could use some. (She's the one who was assured she was having a girl and then had a boy. I think it was just the LA doctors.)

As for names, how about you put up a list of names you like and we can vote on them. Too many names to choose from.

ash said...

First of all I didn't even know you blogged! Second of all, WAHOO!! We have a house full of girls and it is lots of fun. Lots of drama, but lots of fun!!!!

Letty said...

Yeah! That is exciting. I keep trying to decide which is an easier sex. Both seem to have their strengths and weaknesses.
But I think it is great for grace to have a sister to play dress up with.

leslie said...

hooray!! that's so exciting (i would have said the same if it was a boy).... i always wanted a sister for elle so 2 girls close in age always make me happy. i'll start thinking of names, as we seem to have similar tastes in that dept. :)

Suzie-Q said...

We have two and just love them so much. and they are also totally different! We are so excited for you!!

Katie said...

I'm so excited for you. Girls are so fun, lots of drama, but fun. Good luck with finding a good name. Katie's always been a good one for me:) I was laughing at Sam and Grace's name lists. TOo funny and your post on them asking who put the baby there. Gotta love that. Hope you are feeling good and when life just sucks and you feel bigger than a truck. IT IS WORTH IT! I was so miserable, but now I have my little Grant and all of it was worth it. I think we forget when we are pregnant cause we feel so miserable. I'll even take on the extra 50lbs that I'm still carrying...