
Suggestions Please

It has been with great difficulty that I have restrained myself from beginning the Christmas season in our home. And it doesn't help that every retailer everywhere has decided to bypass Thanksgiving. Walmart is even playing Christmas music which I think is really jumping the gun. Though who am I kidding... I've already bought and played two different christmas albums this year. My kids are singing "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" and "Jingle Bells" and Sam is already planning his letter to Santa, though I did tell him he can't actually write and mail the thing till after Thanksgiving. 

Anyway, the temptation is to go out and buy all the Christmas things I want right now, but though that might help the flagging economy, it wouldn't do much for our check book. So a few years ago I made a resolution to add just a few Christmas things a year to our collection. I get the kids their own ornament each year, trying to find something personal and unique. I've already filled my quota for music this year. The other thing I try to add each year is a Christmas book. I don't have any ideas right now for the 2008 addition,  so I was wondering what YOUR favorite Christmas book is. It can be anything, though preferably a children's book. So help me out and send me your suggestions... what book means 'Christmas is really here' for you; that the season wouldn't be the same without. I'll make sure to post what I end up getting and until then I'll be trying to focus on Thanksgiving and not beyond. I'm experimenting with my signature Brussels Sprout dish to see if I can make it easier for this year. Brussels Sprouts with Honey-Glazed Pearl Onions and Prosciutto. Yum!


Maren and Blake said...

Our neighbors already have their Christmas Tree blazing in the their window. I don't know if this is my favorite book, but there is a fun Kids Christmas Book called Osbert the Penguin. I have it if you want to check it out. It's kind of fun.

StrykerLOVE said...

are you going to find out the gender then!! yea - love that so much better to buy cute things specific to sex for the little girl/guy.

Suzie-Q said...

that is a great traditon.
I should try to do something like that, but It will have to ait we don't have too much room to store all that fun stuff.
My favorite Chritmas story is "the Christmas Orange", I believe it was given in a talk but then they have adapted it into a childrens story book. I would look it up online at Deseret Book if you wanted to see it. It is very sweet.
Also I love "A Christmas Carol" I love all the different versions too. I think If I buy one for my kids right now I would get them Mickey's Christmas Carol just because it is more child friendly and we all love those characters.

Spencer said...

The Christmas Season doesn't start for me unti we've pulled out the "I Spy Christmas" book. The first Sunday after Thanksgiving, we would all sit by the fire and race to be the first to find whatever it was.
Spencer and I have been doing the one Christmas book a year thing, too, so we'll be anxious to see what you get and if we should add it to our library, too.