

Grace at 6 months

Eva at 5 months

Budget wise it is nice to have two girls in a row and both born about the same time of year so I can reuse Grace's clothes for Eva. Being a second daughter myself, I know that this will be a source of conflict in the future when either Eva rebels at having to wear hand-me-downs, or Grace will be upset with sharing her clothes with her pesky little sister. Of course, with 4 years between them by the time they are close enough in size to be sharing (stealing) each others clothes Grace will probably be about ready to leave for college.

The definitely have the same mouth and nose, don't you think?


Maren and Blake said...

I can't believe how much hair Grace has. I almost thought you put a wig on her. I am excited for having 2 boys for the same reasons as you with the girls, clothes.

As for boys names, my mom and blake really like Grayson.

NanaH said...

Eve definitely looks like her mother did at the same age! Adorable.

Suzie-Q said...

I totally agree!
It really messes thing up when they are born in the wrong seasons!! We have that problem.
Although now with my girls I may have to have Chloe start handing up to Hailey, they are the same size but I don't think it will be too long before she really outgrows Hailey!