
First Day of School!

Yesterday was Sam's first day back at preschool. I think everyone in the family is excited for him to be going back to school. Except maybe Grace. She misses Sam much and is rather jealous that she doesn't get to go to school. Sam is excited to be seeing new friends and to be riding the bus again. I am not excited about the fact that we are now the first stop for the bus which comes at 7:10! We'll have to see how we do with such an early time this week. We might start driving him in the morning, especially in the winter when it will still be dark at that time.
In other news, it looks like we'll be moving next weekend on the 22nd. I think we've finally sorted out all the paperwork issues. There is just one more form for me to take care of today and then we'll be done (knock on wood).
Also, almost as soon as I published my last post asking for help in finding an Alabama quarter I found an Alabama quarter. We went to Baskin & Robins yesterday for a FHE/first day of school treat and I decided to use cash and there it was, in my change. In good condition too! However, if you still feel like keeping an eye out for coins for me, Rob told me yesterday that he wants to collect the new Lewis & Clark nickels. We have the one with the first sighting of the sea (Oh, the Joy!) so if you come across any others, hold on to them for us.

1 comment:

Katie said...

He looks so sweet in that picture. 7:10! I'd cry every morning. The kids don't get up until 7:30. Today I had to be at Primary Childrens Hospital at 6:30. We left at 5:45a.m. for Lily to get tubes in her ears. I've never been a morning person so it sucked. I'm gonna go take a nappy nap since my mom said she'd keep an eye on the kids. Yeah...