
The Horror

Is there anything more disgusting that a parent has to do then potty train their child?
This little girl, though she looks an angel, is really a fiend from the firey depths when it comes to the potty. She knows what to do; has demonstrated countless times that she can recognize when to go and how to do it. And yet it is almost a game for her to have 'accidents'. Last week she even locked me into the bathroom so she could go have an 'accident' in her room. I thought she was just trying to close out the noise of my hair dryer.


Katie said...

I'm laughing pretty hard. I'm trying to potty train Spencer... Trying is the key word. Ask me in a year if it's any better.

Letty said...

If it makes you feel any better...Poppy is in regression right now too...I"m trying to make her think that it is HER idea! Good Luck!

Rachel said...

i certainly hope it takes less then a year to train Spencer!

Kleinmans said...

When you have it all figured out let me know.Ben was SO easy to potty-train, and Brigg has zero interest. He's very happy to just run around in a nasty diaper and have me change him. What a man! By the way, I need your recipe for the apple pie...looks very scrumptious!

Alleman Family said...

I am so not looking forward to potty training! We'll see what happens. To find some cute backgrounds there are two different places you can go to. On my blog there's a link to Glen and Emily. At the bottom of her blog there's a link for some cute backgrounds. Also, on her blog there's a link to Mike and Debbie Jones. On her blog there's a link on the right to "shabby tulips." They have some cute ones too. Good luck with the potty training! Tif