
Commercial Christmas

This time of year I am always filled with conflicting feelings when I go shopping. On the one hand, I hate, Hate, HATE that we can hardly celebrate LABOR DAY before the stores are filled with Christmas cheer. I like keeping the holiday's in their own times zones and not acknowledge Thanksgiving till Halloween is over, etc., and it is hard to do that with Christmas, and to a lesser extent, Thanksgiving merchandise slapping you in the face wherever you go. But on the other hand, I love these three holidays that end the year so much that its hard to wait for each appointed season. I've already caved and bought Christmas decorations and knick knacks. And the other day I surreptitiously put on some Christmas music. And then turned it right back off. It just isn't time yet.


Spencer said...

remember that James Galway CD that oour parents had playing on the christmas they bought the CD PLayer? Good luck with the shopping...

StrykerLOVE said...

what an old curmugin! :-) christmas year round baby 365 days a year

Katie said...

I'm with Whitney. I think they should chage Halloween to September, Thanksgiving in October and still have Christmas in December. It's so much work to get all your decorations out and then to have only a few weeks of it. It's anti clamatic. So it would be nice to have 2 months of Christmas stuff in your house:)