So my sister 'tagged' me earlier this week. I enjoy reading other people's blogs when they have been tagged, but I confess I'm not all that eager to do my own. But here goes.
I'm It
At the tone the time will be...
Within days of Sam's birth I found myself obsessed with time. I always was wondering what time it was, how long it had been since I had gotten any sleep, when was the last time I had fed Sam, how long he was sleeping, etc. We had clocks in our apartment, but they were all downstairs, and our bedroom, (and bathroom), which I lived exclusively in since a painful epesiodomy made stairs impossible, had just my little alarm clock which did NOT have a light on it making telling time at night impossible. It was becoming all-consuming, this need to know what time it was. Finally after about a week of fretting about it, I dragged Rob to Walmart (in the middle of the night) to buy a clock with glow in the dark numbers. Ahhh, bliss. To be able to know the time the instant Sam woke me up with his crying was wonderful. Sam waking me up with his crying was not wonderful, but that's another story. Not only did I know what time it was, but the clock had a radio so I could listen to intelligent conversation on NPR after Rob left for work and I was home alone with a newborn.
Tub o' Love
Since a few people have asked about the tub in my header pic, let me explain. It is not our tub, more's the pity, but belongs to Rob's mom, or at least it belongs to the apartment that Rob's mom is renting. The apartment is a one bedroom that connects to this guys law office. Apparently he and his wife and two kids lived in the one bedroom for YEARS (two kids= boy and girl into their teenage years. Talk about hellish!) until he decided to upgrade and now rents out the apartment. Unfortunately the tub is pretty much the best thing about the apartment. Its really old and so mustily smelly; not in such a great part of town and is right next to a vet's office that has kennels for pet-sitting and in the summer time you wouldn't believe the racket!
Today at lunch
Sam: Mom, can we have wine with our lunch
We've increased the mass of our possessions by quite a bit this last week. On Saturday I was checking craigslist to make sure that no one was posting a great deal for a treadmill since I just bought one new (not like I could do anything about it if I did miss a deal), and found that there was a bunkbed posted. In my experience, bunkbeds, at least good ones, are not often offered up for sale and at such a price ($125, hard wood). So we called up the people and ran over for a look. This terribly nice older couple were clearing out their kids rooms to convert to studies and had asked all the kids to take the bunkbed because they did NOT want to get rid of it, but all their kids decline. We liked the bed, especially the fact that it is at least 20 years old but still in really good condition; hardly any nicks or scrapes at all and still really solid. Since it is so old, the safety features aren't as rigorously up to standard as a new one would be, but we are confident that Sam wont be rolling off or through bars in the middle of the night. We offered to pay 100 for it and they accepted! When Rob went back that afternoon in a borrowed van to pick it up (thanks again Edges!) they had discovered that one of the beds didn't have a supporting board. They had been using a box spring on it. They knew that we didn't have box springs so they called up the hardware store to see how much a sheet of plywood cut to fit would be and gave Rob cash for that. Very nice of them. We set the bed up yesterday and the kids have hardly gotten off of it. They are so excited! The only drawback to it that I can see is that there is no storage space under the bed, which in our tiny living space is a big drawback, but hopefully the added space in their bedroom with the toddler bed and crib out of the way will make up for that. Grace is especially proud of her new Princess sheets.
Odd Comment
The other day Rob was walking home from campus with one of our neighbors who is also in our ward. In the course of their conversation, this person commented that he thought Rob and I must have come from more affluent families then he and his wife came from. I laughed when Rob told me this since both of our families went through times of severe financial struggles and even now no one would ever classify either my family or his as wealthy, at least not looking only at monetary value. I also thought it an odd thing considering both this person's family and my little family are living in low-income housing, which you have to be POOR to qualify for so its not like we have anything more then this family has. So it leaves me to wonder. What is it about me and Rob that exudes the idea of money when money is something that we've never really had?
Long Night
Just as I was getting into bed last night, Rob came and said, 'go see if you think the kids room smells like vomit'. Or words to that effect. Lovely. Well, it did, and for good reason. Grace had lost her dinner, though surprisingly, I think she slept right through the experience. She was sound asleep and even after I picked her up and took off her jammies she laid down on the floor and slept. When she finally did wake up (a bath will do that to you), and I was asking her about it, she couldn't remember anything. She must have thought I was a little crazy to wake her up in the middle of the night to bathe her and change her bedding. I think she thought it was some new game. Anyway, she was in a great mood and said her tummy felt fine, so we put her back to bed and hoped for the best. Interestingly enough, Sam, who shares a room with her, slept through all the excitement, if you can call it that.