
Odd Comment

The other day Rob was walking home from campus with one of our neighbors who is also in our ward. In the course of their conversation, this person commented that he thought Rob and I must have come from more affluent families then he and his wife came from. I laughed when Rob told me this since both of our families went through times of severe financial struggles and even now no one would ever classify either my family or his as wealthy, at least not looking only at monetary value. I also thought it an odd thing considering both this person's family and my little family are living in low-income housing, which you have to be POOR to qualify for so its not like we have anything more then this family has. So it leaves me to wonder. What is it about me and Rob that exudes the idea of money when money is something that we've never really had?


Alleman Family said...

That's a funny story. But, I think that most people equate money with intelligence. Becuause you and Rob are both very intelligent people, you exude WEALTH! :)

Letty said...

I'm sure it is your expensive attire and the arduous hours spent on your stylish make-up and hair! :0)

Actually I think it would more likely be the fact that you both articulate conversation and are very well poised.

I have not thought of you in that light...but then again, it has just never crossed my mind.

StrykerMan said...

Maybe it's your extensive board game collection - a true sign of wealth!

StrykerLOVE said...

i agree with all these - its your game collection and your intelligence!

Rob said...

I thought it was because we kept our apartment clean. (Most people don't know about the board games)

Erin said...

Did Rob ask him why he thought that?! I think I would have laughed out loud! :)

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