
Long Night

Just as I was getting into bed last night, Rob came and said, 'go see if you think the kids room smells like vomit'. Or words to that effect. Lovely. Well, it did, and for good reason. Grace had lost her dinner, though surprisingly, I think she slept right through the experience. She was sound asleep and even after I picked her up and took off her jammies she laid down on the floor and slept. When she finally did wake up (a bath will do that to you), and I was asking her about it, she couldn't remember anything. She must have thought I was a little crazy to wake her up in the middle of the night to bathe her and change her bedding. I think she thought it was some new game. Anyway, she was in a great mood and said her tummy felt fine, so we put her back to bed and hoped for the best. Interestingly enough, Sam, who shares a room with her, slept through all the excitement, if you can call it that. 

So we got to bed about an hour later then planned.  You know how it is when your kids are sick and yet you're trying to sleep. Every odd or imagined noise jolts you up, wondering if that is them in distress. Anyway, I finally fell asleep around midnight, but abruptly awoke at around 2:3o to hear Sam yelling at us. It was his turn. Grace woke up, of course, but she was still happy and didn't complain when we packed Sam and all his soiled bedding out of the room and shut the door on her, hoping she would fall back asleep. Luckily Sam missed most of his body when he,... well,... you know, so no bath was necessary. He, however, is feeling much worse then Grace. We got him back to bed, and then again went through the arduous process of relaxing enough to sleep. Sam woke again at 6:30 being sick, but Rob was good enough to handle it himself and let me have a bit more sleep. 
So now we're all laying about in our jammies and robes watching Peter Pan. Grace seems to be doing fine; Sam can't keep anything down. Rob has classes to get to. Long night turns into long day. 


Jenny said...

That totally sucks! We all know how terrible that is!! You deserve a badge of honor today. May the rest of your week get better...faster!

Letty said...

I hate it when my kids are sick!! Luckily last time oscar threw up we had placed a bowl by his bed and he managed to get all of it in there...amazing. I hope you have a good day, sorry to hear about the sickies.

Rachel said...

Sounds like fun!! Scarlett has been sick the past couple of days too. So tell me what you are doing in Seattle. What is your husband going to school for? Hope the kids start feeling better!

StrykerLOVE said...

sorry - poor sam, sounds like the night i had a few weeks back with sophie, jack and then marc that morning! ick - just another fun winter activity i guess

Katie said...

I hate those days. Hope you are all feeling better soon.

leslie said...

hope everyone is feeling better. LOVE your new header pic.... seriously, so great. that tub is fantastic!!!!!