
Today at lunch

Sam: Mom, can we have wine with our lunch

Mom: Ummm, no

Sam: Ok

pause while mom tries to figure out if this is a teaching moment or not

Mom: So, how do you know about wine?  Were you talking about wine at school with your friends?

Sam: No, it was in the scriptures

slightly panicked mom tries to figure out where in the scriptures we were reading about wine.
Mom finally says something about the wine in the scriptures really meant grape juice which yes, I know is not true but will do for an explanation for a 5 year old. Later I realized that we read about King Noah being a wine bibber a few weeks ago which would have been a good story to review to talk about NOT drinking wine. By then the moment had passed. Alas


StrykerLOVE said...

hahaha - kids are so perceptive! I would have just let it go too - he'll learn without make a lesson from it.

Erin said...

Maybe be saw your vodka?! hee hee ha ha- J/K!

Erin said...

That is the coolest bathtub! Is it in your apt?

Erin said...

I was being a sneaky peak and found Carrie Strong (Medfords) blog site for you, off of Melindas- here it is- www.medfordfamily. blogspot.com- when you write to her, make sure to give me a little credit! : ) Love you