

My mom called last night to tell me that "we used to feed Nutella to you kids all the time!" So I did not have my first experience as an almost adult at the Tippetts'. Sorry mom for imagining that you would have deprived us in any way as children. I'm glad to know that I have had years more of nutella bliss then I thought, even if I can't remember them!


Katie said...

We all know Jan wouldn't deprive you of anything:) I remember being at your house when your parents were gone and you all being big MASH fans (which I thought was crazy, cause what little girls should like army stuff...) Anyhow, you heard your parents coming and someone ran to turn off the T.V. cause you weren't suppose to be watching it. So when your dad walked in you all pretended to be doing something else. You got caught though, cause your mom was watching through the front window. So now when Sam is being a little stinker, you can think back to when you didn't always listen either:)

leslie said...

oh i love nutella!! i ate it by the spoonful the last 5 months i was pregnant with tommy. i first discovered it while living in russia, but there was another brand called alisa that i like even better... never seen it in the states though. :( i'm pretty sure you were at tom and sarah's when you had it baked inside a croissant... that's sarah's signature nutella move!!!

i need your address... will you e-mail it to me. thanks :)

StrykerLOVE said...

rach - how come mom will always comment on your blog - or call you and talk to you about your blog but never mine!? does she even know i have one i wonder!! funny comment by katie