
There seems to be a curse upon the Packer family. Two years ago at Christmas we were suffering from sinus infections, ear infections and laryngitis in Arizona. Last year it was a stomach bug that hit Christmas morning around 4. And now three of the four of us have coughs, sore throats and Grace may be going for croup again. For some reason we just can't be healthy at Christmas time. It is a shame because instead of using this time while Rob and Sam are out of school to have fun and memorable times together as a family, we are instead moping about the house, coughing and hacking and generally being miserable and peevish. 

1 comment:

Letty said...

I hope It wasn't me that got you sick!!!! truly I was feeling a bit better (other than my voice) when you came over. Sorry to hear that you are all not feeling well. It was fun having you over! Get well.