

I made the mistake of pulling out some old boxes and going through them to see what was there. They were full of old memorabilia from my high school and college days and just now, hours later, have I repacked and put them away. I did find some useful things to keep out that I had forgotten I had. Of course, chances are they will be put away again next time I'm in the cleaning up and clearing away mood. Anyway, here are some pictures of the things I found. I can't remember the significance of some of the things (like the pot of fake sunflowers) and why I felt like I needed to keep them. However, they are all small and easy to pack up so I'm sure they'll be around a fews years from now when I feel the urge to look back and remember those good ol' times. 

These first two pictures will have things in them that some of you might recognize. At least those of you who have ever lived with me.

Colette, you might remember that little fox that Brandon gave to me how many years ago now? Hopefully by now you've forgiven me for going on a date with the boy you liked! 
My family and cousins might recognize this little plate. When Rob and I were married we had no furniture so my parents kindly gave us some chairs to sit on. One of the chairs was actually a chair from Grandma Vy's house that she had given to my mom. Anyway, one day I was cleaning out under the cushions and found this little plate. If I remember, there was a whole tea set that we used to play with all the time at Grandma's house. 


StrykerLOVE said...

don't pack away your little babuska doll - that is something to keep out - where did it come from?

Letty said...

How fun. I find it really interesting when I go through all of my stuff to see what I thought was important back then. very funny!