
return and report

I feel I should follow up on my last blog and let you know that Monday was NOT a depressing day by any means. We spent the morning at Costco; also spent too much money at Costo, as usual. We then swung by the mall looking for a bathrobe for me. Old Navy was having their winter closeout sale and we made some screamin deals on shirts for the kids and found a very snuggly pink robe for me. All in all, a most satisfactory day. Hope yours was as well. (Happy late Russell!)


Spencer said...

Anna and I figured you can't get out of Costco under 100$, and that's just for two people. But we'll be running off those supplies for another couple weeks. Thanks for the help on the chocolate.

StrykerLOVE said...

so how was the sprinkle cake?

Katie said...

So glad your day wasn't bad. I was so worried all day long about you:)

Spencer woke up the other morning asking to go to Cosco. Such a random kid.