
What would you do for $200?

So I was listening to NPR yesterday while I was making my bed; specifically I was listening to the program Talk of the Nation in which they were discussing how economic incentives can help people in fulfilling a goal such as stopping smoking or weight loss. Suddenly I realized that this was the answer for me. I've always weighed more then I should and although I have lost around 30 pounds since Grace was born for the last year I've stayed at pretty much the same weight. Until, of course, this past holiday season when I put on 5 pounds. Anyway, I decided that Rob and I would have a little contest. Nothing like competition to spice things up. So here's our deal. The first person to lose 15 pounds gets $200 to spend on whatever they like. Originally I was thinking in the realm of $4-500 because I thought if I could entice Rob with an iphone he'd be much more likely to agree. However, prudent man that he is, (funny, its usually me being prudent) Rob suggested that we pick a more reasonable amount. As in one we could actually afford. Also, Rob requested that we have no 'loser' but rather a 2nd place finisher. We haven't decided what the 2nd place prize will be yet. Rob's suggestion which is under consideration is that the non-winner divide 200 by the number of pounds left to the goal and have that be their prize. Anyway, there's my project for the next few months. We picked 15 pounds because that's how much Rob wants to lose. My ultimate goal will be about double that. I'll have to think up something really lovely for myself to get the last 15 off. But for the time being, I'm excited to beat the pants off Rob. Wish me luck!


StrykerLOVE said...

the best way to kick your rear in gear is shake up your routine and 'shock' the body. switch times that you normally work out, switch work out routines and eat earlier etc - don't tell rob about this trick and you will win for sure!

Letty said...

I have a treadmill...you can use it when you want. Although, during Poppy's nap time I'm typically (hopefully) using it.
I love to have a nice fresh goal and to add competition makes it all the more fun.
Good Luck.
I have just been doing some continuing ed for spinning on weight loss. I will let you know if I come up with any magical lose quick tips.

Erin said...

i love doing aerobic tapes. I got three for Christmas. But I also check out at the library a lot. I thought I had to do them when the kids we sleepin in the morning or at night, but usually they will just play or watch mommy doing some weird dancing. Do you want me to see if they will copy? (Is that so bad of me? It would be like your borrowing them?) They are usually 20 min workouts, quick and effecient. One is usually areobic followed by a weight interval wkout. Do both in one day and it will ensure your triumph over Rob! We did 100$ last year and I won! This year if we meet our goals we are hopefully getting a new bed! We both have to meet it though. Well, good luck. And I think in the eating area, we are trying to eat correct size porportions (sp?). Good luck! Luv, Erin

Katie said...

I wish I could do that with Chad, but seeing as I only weigh 10lbs less than him he has no weight to lose. I was doing so well and lost all my baby weight with Lily, but then December hit and I gained 8lbs. I'm disgusted with myself. So I'm getting back on track too. I like is sparkpeople.com it's a free website that lets you track your calories and enter your exercises and tells you how many calories you burned. It gives you recipes and other suggestions. It's great.

Alleman Family said...

That's so fun... a little healthy competition is great! Plus, $200 to spend on whatever you want!! I wouldn't even know what to do with $200 dollars if I coulnd't spend it on groceries, diapers, or clothes for Bry!! :)