
Happy Birthday to Me

Some years I am more excited for my birthday then others. This year is one of those other years. Usually I have all sorts of things I want to do and have for my birthday because, after all, it only comes once a year and so you might as well milk it for all it's worth. But this year I couldn't even think of a great cake I wanted or a fun date for Rob and I or even a special something to treat myself to because its my birthday and I can do that without feeling guilty. So I had a pretty average day, which isn't to say it wasn't pretty good overall. This morning I took the kids to the science center for some science fun and then to McDonalds for some greasy, nutritionally negative fun. (In retrospect these activities were more of a present to them then to me). We did get to go to the WSU/ASU baseball game this evening, at least for the first three innings and I really enjoyed that. I'll have to get Rob to take me some other time sans children. I'm not sure who won the game since we left early but ASU was ahead and since my dad says they are the best in the nation right now I'm sure they must have won. (Spencer says it is UofA who is the best but he may be biased) I got some pretty sweet gifts from friends and family, including the great big bag you see below from my parents. As soon as I opened it Sam jumped in and said "I'm all packed up and ready to go to Nana's house!" I told him we'd just throw him in the trunk and be on our way. 

Princess Snow White Grace

Getting ready to blow. You'll notice from her face that Grace already snitched some of the cake. There's a great claw mark on the side of the cake that you can't see. 

Sam picked out trick candles for the cake. This is after many, many attempts to blow all the candles out. Rob had to rush around opening windows so the smoke alarms wouldn't go off. 

Here we come Nana!


Jenny said...

Rachel! Happy Birthday!! First of all, what a great bag!! Love it. When you said it was your birthday all I could think about what a fish baked into a birthday cake. Do you remember that funny day? I tell people about that craziness when the topic turns to birthdays. Those were fun times!

Katie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I actually remembered, but forgot to email you. So I hope it was a happy one. You deserve it. Love the bag. Thanks for posting your pretzel recipe. I'm going to make them soon.

Carrie Medford said...

Happy birthday! So, what did you think of the Homecoming Series? Can we say plagerism of the plot in the Book of Mormon?

Rachel said...

Happy Happy Birthday! I always look forward to my birthday too! If after today you still feel the need to birthday just call it your birthday month and milk a few days more!!