
Really Awesome News!

Since I finally paid off my credit card debt (Christmas and treadmill), I decided I would bump up the payments on my student loan. At the current rate I had about a year left; I was hoping I'd be able to cut that down to 8-9 months. Anyway, Sunday I tried to log onto my account (it's through Nelnet) and couldn't get on. Every time I entered my SSN and birth date I got an alert saying there was no account matching that info. So I sent off an email telling my problem and reminding them  I still owe them a nice chunk of money so they'd better get this glitch worked out if they wanted to see the rest of the dough. Yesterday I got an email saying since I had a zero balance they had closed my account!!! WHAT?!? I knew there had to be a mistake somewhere and was having grim thoughts of getting some kind of notice in a few months telling me my payments were way overdue and I was going to lose my good credit rating, etc. So I gave Nelnet a call (had to enter my SSN 4 times, each time it was rejected before I was finally transferred to an operator). After explaining the whole deal to the girl, she said, "Oh, I know what's wrong here." I was expecting to hear that there was another Rachel Packer with similar birth date/SSN and we had gotten mixed up, or some other clerical error. What she actually told me was that UHEAA (Utah Higher Education something or other) decided sometime in February to write off some of their student loans and mine was one of them!  So someone at UHEAA just decided that a bunch of people wouldn't have to pay back the rest of their loans! Not only that, they sent me back my last payment; just got the check in the mail. How cool is that? I'm never this lucky! At the library today I paid my 75 cent fine and so now I am completely, totally, 100% debt free! WooHoo!!!!!!

Now if only someone would decide to write off Rob's loans...


leslie said...

you are soooooo lucky!!!! better go celebrate. :)

StrykerLOVE said...

thats not fair one bit! but lucky you to win that lottery !!

Erin said...

Rachel- That is the best news ever! So happy for you- I can't wait for that day.....

NanaH said...

You were born under a lucky star.

Letty said...

I say that you can chalk that onr up to Tithing blessing! What a blessing!
I'm sure you deserve it.
See, not you can see it was worth getting the treadmill. It all worked out tremendously.