

As if this week hasn't been enough, the heat element of our oven shorted out tonight when I turned the oven on to preheat it for dinner. Which meant that we wouldn't be consuming the 20$ worth of pizza that I had just purchased from Papa Murphy's. Pancakes are always a good standby in our home, and luckily there was some bacon and extra eggs to round out the meal. Once we were all good and full, the apartment manager called and offered us the use of an oven in an empty apartment, stressing that she was doing us a great favor and she was NOT supposed to do it. So now we have two nicely cooked pizza's and no tummy room. Since our oven wont be fixed till Monday earliest, I suppose we'll be eating cold pizza all weekend.
On the agenda for tonight is the Primary Program. I could almost call it the dreaded primary program if that didn't sound almost irreverent. I have in fact started on it and its not going terribly, but I'm not so sure it will be finished by Sunday which was my deadline. I have a sharing time to plan as well this weekend and I haven't even started on that. Well, I'll turn in what I have done and rely in my bishop's understanding heart for mercy.
Today hasn't been all primary and culinary stress. Sam and Grace and I spent a very pleasant morning at the Palouse Discovery Science Center. We have a memeber ship there courtesy of Sam's preschool. It's a really great place and we had alot of fun. The kids favorite exhibit is the huge box of lentils with dinosaur bones buried in it that they can dig out. Well, Sam likes digging; Grace just likes to fling lentils everywhere.
Tomorrow morning I"ll be running in the Taste T. Lentil 5k. Now I know that to many of you who may be reading this 5k is equivalent to a warm up run(all you marathoners!) but its a pretty big deal for me. Back in high school I couldn't even make it once around the track so it's kind of exciting that I can go more then three miles without stopping. I just hope I'm not last since I am a pretty slow runner. Also a muscle in my leg has been giving me trouble this week so I hope that doesn't act up on me. After the race and some church business we'll go down to Reaney Park to enjoy the rest of the Lentil Festival. There'll be lots of fun stuff for the kids and free goodies for everyone and hopefully I'll find a cool wedding present for the little bro at some of the local artists' booths.
Well, procastination time is over and it's time to get to work!

1 comment:

StrykerLOVE said...

good luck - i am jealous - tried to get up this morning even to go for a 2 mile run but --- let my laziness i guess take over will try tonight but you are showing me up! write and let us know how you did!