

It's bad form to boast, I know, but I just can't help myself. I make the best chocolate chip cookies. Ever. Period. I don't make them very often because once you start eating them it is hard to stop and they are, I have to admit, very bad for you. However, there is oatmeal in them so the fiber is there. I didn't have the camera handy to get Grace's face earlier today after she had eaten one, but this picture is from last year after she had imbibed in all their chocolate-y, walnut-y, oatmeal-y goodness. For good measure there is also a picture from last week when we were playing pirate. But there is no cookie in it, so it really is hardly worth the trouble.
I'd include the recipe, but it's an old family secret. It came from my mother, who got it from my Grandma, who got it, so the legend goes, from a mysterious Mrs. Field.

Other news of the day: my brother's wedding announcement came in the mail. WOW! Could little Beezer really be getting married?! And is he really prepared for his sisters to decend on his future in-laws and tell them what Spencer was really like as a child? My only real question is, has Anna ever heard of FraggleRock and is she prepared to protect her husband from them in all their permutations?


StrykerLOVE said...

why don't you give us all the receipe - (if you don't i know how to get it anyway since mom has it hanging off her fridge i think)
btw first dips on the fraggle rock story since i am sure i engineered most of the tricks anyway and besides the dead cat story - its the best one on spencer

Rachel said...

No no no! I am positive that I was the one to put the fraggle rock in the cup and also hide it under his pillow!