
Long Legged Guitar Pick'en Man

I've always had this pet dream that when my kids were about 3 or 4 I would start to teach them to play the piano and by the time they were teenagers they would be brilliant pianists. Sam is now 4, but unfortunately we don't have a piano and Rob stubbornly refuses to get one until we are living on the ground floor somewhere. I just can't convince him that three flights of stairs shouldn't get in our way. However, they have started learning to play the guitar, which is pretty cool too. At this point they just strum while Rob does the fingering, but they both really love it. Perhaps one of them will turn out to be a prodigy. I'm still holding on to my piano dream though.


Rick Edge said...

The Elder's quorum is thankful for husbands like Rob.

Nana said...

I have spent the last 30 minutes trying to get back on to comment. Maybe I'm too dumb. Here goes again after changing my password. We have the electric keyboard you can use for your talented musicians. We could bring it up with us in a few weeks.

leslie said...

rachel! so great that you have a blog... i love blogs!!! i'm excited to be able to check in on you (and rob, hi rob!) and see what y'all are up to. so fun to see the pic of sam and grace. can't even remember the last time i saw them, but they've gotten SO big!! keep posting! :)

Katie said...

We have a digital piano that my dad gave to us. It's great cause Spencer can play, but I can turn it down. I would love to get a real piano one day. Chad plays really well (not me). I too want my kids to learn. We'll see how it goes.

StrykerLOVE said...

(put more pics on!) anyway - doesn't the primary get 'scripts' from downtown slc? i would have thought yes - you should ck out the website at least and see -- maybe get ideas for the big production.
when you come in 2 weeks remind me to get out our simple hymns/primary songs for guitar if you don't have something like that. you can take home copies for rob to learn and teach the kids