

Here's something we saw out our window today:

Our neighbors, who are moving, instead of lugging all their stuff down the stairs like you're supposed to do, chose instead to take the wimp's way(or those with extra cash) out and got a fork lift. Honestly! Whatever happened to good, honest, grunt work? And the very worst of it is the fork lift wont reach up to our floor so we can't steal their idea when its time for us to leave!

Something happened to me yesterday and it really should be the only thing I am writing about because it was a life changing experience. Yesterday, for the first time, I had yellow watermelon. Up until just a few months ago I never knew such a thing existed, and never even supposed that one would come under my knife. But the melon gods smiled down upon us and we received half a yellow watermelon in our weekly share of produce from the organic gardens here at the university. Did I mention it was a life changing experience? Never shall I be able to be content with a red melon again. Red!(said scornfully). Flashy color, yes, and it goes well with the green rind, but the taste is positively insipid next to the amazing, mouth-watering, delectable,...words really aren't enough. Let this serve as a warning to all. If you truly wish to taste what a watermelon was meant to taste like, do all in your power to find a yellow watermelon. If, however, you are content without this nirvana experience, avoid the yellow at all costs! It will destroy your melon tranquility. You have been warned.


StrykerLOVE said...
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StrykerLOVE said...

you are such a foodie nerd rachel! (saying this with much love :-). that's cool that you are in a co-op. I waited too late this year to try it out. do you like doing it? hows the new digs?

Nana said...

Sounds yummy, like something out of Cooking Light. Are we all ready for Friday?

Katie said...

That is the funniest thing I have ever seen. What a creative way to move. I am so excited to see you guys this weekend. Yay!