I have so much I want to say about yesterday that I can't decide what to write. So I'll revert to that tired adage, 'a picture's worth a thousand words' and invite you all to check out a video and slide show of Christmas morning with the Packers at Rob's blog.
There seems to be a curse upon the Packer family. Two years ago at Christmas we were suffering from sinus infections, ear infections and laryngitis in Arizona. Last year it was a stomach bug that hit Christmas morning around 4. And now three of the four of us have coughs, sore throats and Grace may be going for croup again. For some reason we just can't be healthy at Christmas time. It is a shame because instead of using this time while Rob and Sam are out of school to have fun and memorable times together as a family, we are instead moping about the house, coughing and hacking and generally being miserable and peevish.
The Evils of Blogging
I was just taking a break from motherhood, reading a few different blogs. On a friend of a friend's blog I found a link to a blog of a girl that I grew up with and haven't seen or heard from in years! So I was reading up on what she's been doing when Grace come over with something on her thumb. I wasn't paying attention and told her to just go wash it. She came back with even more of it on her hands and complaining that it was stuck. When I finally started paying attention my first thought was that she had gotten wax on her finger, but as we have no burning candles that didn't make sense. So I asked her to show me what she had been touching. Super Glue. Joy. All over her hands, also in the mouth. I thought in her hair but mercifully not. It was all over the glue tube as well, so when I picked it up in got on my hands. Luckily nothing was actually stuck together (fingers, lips, whatever). I had a nice chat with the poison control lady so we know Grace wont be damaged by the glue. Its just a real pain to get off. And now I had better go see what she's gotten in to while I've been taking the time to blog about why I shouldn't spend so much time blogging!
Bah! Humbug!
I woke up this morning in a Christmas slump. Today was supposed to be my goodie baking day. We were going to get all our treats made, packaged up and handed out this evening for FHE. Maybe because Sam was pretty sick yesterday and had lingering phlegm today; maybe because I spend the morning in 4 different stores fighting crowds and melancholy for not having loads of cash; maybe because we had an unfortunate caramel episode last night; but I was just not in the mood for Christmas. Even the music was getting on my nerves. And it is only one week till Christmas Eve! How pathetic.
That confessed, I am feeling a bit more jolly this evening. I'm not going to get our treats out tonight by any means, but I did get some cookie dough made up and chilling in the fridge, and if I feel very ambitious, I'll make some fudge tonight while watching one of three movies that I have waiting. Maybe the fudge will wait for tomorrow. I've never made this recipe and so I had better give it my undivided attention, and one of the movies is due back at the library tomorrow, so it has priority. Christmas music is wafting gently from the computer without my hackles rising, and Sam is well enough that he can go to school tomorrow (yeah!). Perhaps all will be well with the world.
My mom called last night to tell me that "we used to feed Nutella to you kids all the time!" So I did not have my first experience as an almost adult at the Tippetts'. Sorry mom for imagining that you would have deprived us in any way as children. I'm glad to know that I have had years more of nutella bliss then I thought, even if I can't remember them!
Prospective grad students interested in WSU may soon be receiving this brochure in the mail. And just who is that dashing man in the picture!?!
Chocolaty Hazelnutty Goodness!
The other day I had buy some tahini which is down the isle of the grocery store that I don't normally go down. And wouldn't you know it, right next to the tahini was this little beauty. My will power to stick to my list flew right out the window, and before I knew it, I had the nutella and a bag of croissants in the cart and was booking it home. I just love this stuff! I can remember the very first time I had it; at the Tippetts' when Les baked up some croissants with nutella inside. Rapture! My good friend Sarah Ward and I used to buy it in Logan. I'm a little ashamed to say we could go through a whole jar in one day. But we were both pregnant at the time.
My kids being my kids, they were both hesitant about trying it right at first, which was really ok with me since that meant more for moi. But last night we had pancakes for dinner (mmmm, breakfast for dinner... Love it!) and Rob talked them both into trying a bite. Instant converts! I would start buying in regularly, but I can't help myself when it is in the house and end up eating it on everything and anything I can think of. Yesterday I had it on melba toast and pita bread. Maybe my new years resolution should be gaining some self control.
Welcome December!!!
We got our tree up last night in time to officially welcome the Christmas season today. Here's a picture of it after the kids finished 'helping' me decorate:Notice the plethora of ornaments in the bottom right corner, right about at Grace height. Sam did a pretty good job spreading his out, but Grace wanted all of hers on the SAME BRANCH! After they went to bed I redid the whole thing so our tree wouldn't fall over from lopsidedness. I did feel a little guilty undoing their work. They had such a nice time putting it up.
Well, I'll probably be pulling a late nighter trying to get my sharing time and other primary things done for tomorrow. Also the choir program which I have to admit is coming along dismally. I'm really having a hard time getting the writing juices flowing on that project and I'm really not sure what to do about it. Any suggestions?
November Requiem
I've been meaning to blog for a few days now, but I really have so very much to do this week before Sunday that I haven't felt like I could take the time to blog. Of coarse, ask me how much I've actually done on those many things I have to do before Sunday. My life is odd in that I usually have so little that I have to do outside of my wife/mother gig and then out of nowhere I'm hit with a week of almost frenetic activity. Or at least of procrastinating the frenetic activity. Why, you may ask, don't I use my down time to plan and prepare forthe crazy times? And miss the excitement, stress, headaches, and nausea? Surely you jest.
Our Thanksgiving was just lovely. The weather was amazing for November in the Pacific Northwest. Sunny and crisp everyday. The day after we left it rained buckets. We spent most of our time at Rob's sister Susan's house. She has three kids who Sam and Grace just adore so they had a great time. The only difficulty the whole time was that Grace decided to not be potty trained every time we were at Susan's house. I stopped counting after 6 accidents. Playing with cousins was just too fun to take the time to perform life's necessaries I guess. By the second day we were there I was taking her to the bathroom every hour, but she would still mess herself 10 minutes after bathroom trips. Talk about annoying. I think it is the closest I have come to losing my temper in front of Rob's family.
Thanksgiving dinner was fabulous, of course, and I have the singular honor of having made the one dish that was completely consumed in that one sitting. My Brussels Sprouts are quite good. Of course, they were also the only dish that there wasn't lashings of, so take that for all it's worth. My pies didn't quite turn out the way I had hoped, but both were comepletely consumed so I can't complain. Actually, Rob really liked the sweet potato pie so much that he wouldn't share even one bite with me while he was eating the last slice! Where's the love?!?
Friday after the feast we went to the Pacific Science Center in downtown Seattle. The kids really loved it, though there was soooooo much to do and look at that after a few hours they were suffering from overload:
Luckily there was a Seattle's Best Fudge shop nearby so we perked them right back up.
All in all, it was a really nice Thanksgiving break. I have to admit, though, after 4 years of being with Rob's family I'm beginning to long for a Hansen Thanksgiving. I just read an email from my cousin who stopped by our Grandpa Hansen's house last week and got some of his famous mesquite smoked turkey. Oh the agony! To read about it and almost be able to taste it but to be too far away for the real thing! I extend my pity to almost all who will read this who has never and will never taste Grandpa's turkey. It is exquisite. It is turkey as it is meant to taste. And I miss Grandma's pies (a true pie aficionado) and Dad's potatoes and Mom's stuffing and Whitney's sweet potatoes and the good company of all my family. Sigh! Maybe next year.
Well, now that I've got this blog out of my system, maybe I'll be able to settle down and get my other projects done. As a final note, we have our Christmas tree up, but not decorated, the Little People nativity set out for the kids but not my creche collection, we've made a couple different Christmas cookies, and our itunes Christmas music collection is in full use. Many Happy Returns of the Season to All!
Thanksgiving Wishes
I was going through an old writing book and found this entry that I wrote on Thanksgiving Day, 3 or 4 years ago. There's no date included so I can't be sure which year it was. Not all of it makes sense, but here you go:
The trouble with doing your best
Those of you who have been reading my blog from its beginning know that I was rather heavily involved in our Primary's Sacrament Meeting Program in that I was the writer, directer, AND producer. I even had to jump in at the last minute and give one of the key parts when one of the children didn't make it to the performance. (I don't mean to insinuate that I did it all on my lonesome. Without the support and help of many people it would never have gotten done.) Anyway, it really came off very well inspite of me and I have been feeling rather pleased with myself over the whole thing. Turns out that other people also thought I did a good job, at least with the writing part because I have now been asked to write the Christmas program for the ward choir. Oh joy. And the choir directer is one of those super sweet, lovely ladies that you just can't say no to! Luckily, I only have to come up with 10-15 minutes of dialogue, and much of that I can just pull from the scriptures. I suppose I should be glad that I wasn't asked to sing a solo, but since that really would never happen it isn't much of a consolation.
Sam announced today that winter was coming to get us. And on a cold, rainy, blustery day like today that is how it feels.
The barking seal at our house
I hate having sick kids! It makes me feel so sad and helpless when I see their little bodies hurting them and there's not much I can do about it. We woke up about 4:30 this morning with Grace just hysterical; crying, coughing, choking, trembleing, burning up with fever. I couldn't make her understand what I was saying. She didn't want to be held but when i put her down she just staggered around and couldn't stand upright. I almost had her in the car and to the ER right then, but she started calming down, though she wouldn't take the Tylenal I was trying to get in her to get her fever down. All this of course woke up Sam who was terrified, not to mention sick himself with a pretty bad cough he's had all week. We finally got Grace settled down and in bed with Rob, while I took the floor next to Sam so he wouldn't be alone. Grace had two more 'attacks' over the next two hours, but then woke up at 8 very happy and chipper, though with a barky cough and a sore throat. She says everything she eats is 'spicy' because its hurting her throat. I'm sure all you more experienced mothers reading this have already diagnosed her, and you'd be right: croup. I suspected it this morning and we just got home from the docter. He gave her some meds that should make tonight much better and also reminded me of the old trick of putting the child in a hot, steamy shower and then taking them out to the cold air. He says there is no scientific evidence that this works, but he's been telling people to do it for 50 years and it almost always helps. So we're gearing up for tonight and hoping for the best. At least with her cough, or bark I should say, she's having a hard time hiding from me today!
Rage, Rage against the Dying of the Light
Why, oh why, will someone please tell me, is it necessary in this day and age to subject us to the grueling practise of daylight savings! Don't give me arguments that it saves energy or other such nonsense. There are plenty of studies that show it saves not a dime. And in fact the loss of life at 'Fall Back' time is considerable. When one day it is light at 5pm and the next it is dark, American drivers get befuddled and forget that they need to watch for pedestrians in all that blackness. About 40 more people die each year from daylight savings time related deaths. You are 3 times more likely to be struck by a car when walking at dusk after the end of daylight savings then at any other time of the year. These numbers drop off about a month after the switch which indicate that it is in fact the switch itself that causes them. And, truly, is there anything more depressing then seeing it is dark outside and then realizing that it is only 4-bloody-30 in the afternoon!! So I beseech you, tell me why this is necessary! I don't even care whether we are on summer time or winter time, just pick one and STICK WITH IT!!
Sweet Relief
Yesterday was our Primary Program and now its OVER!!! At least until next year. From about mid July till now the program has never been far from my mind and it feels so relaxing to not have to think about it. I'm pleased to report that it went quite well. Since I was sitting on the stand with the children I couldn't see any funny faces or mishaps that may happen when you put 77 children all squished up together in a small space. But I felt that each child did their best and I believe that the people listening really felt the spirit and the children bore their testimony through the songs and their words. And that's really what I was going for.
Now that I don't have to stress about the program any more and have some free time to do fun things, Grace is sick. She woke up yesterday throwing up so she and Rob stayed home from church. We thought she was on the rebound by last night but she's spent most of the day today just laying around which for anyone who knows our little bundle of energy knows it is not normal. She's no longer throwing up which is so nice, but now it's coming out the other end. Not so nice. That end smells alot worse.Saturday was Sam's last soccer class. He's really enjoyed doing this every Saturday and was especially excited to receive his own ball at the last class. I got some cute pictures, which I'll spare you, but I did get this action shot of Sam kicking the ball so hard he kicked his shoe right off!
After soccer we played at the toys at the park for a bit. The kids had a great time and we got to enjoy the lovely autumn weather.
And speaking of autumn, I made another pie yesterday. Cranberry Apple, but what I was really excited about was the pie crust. I used a new recipe which calls for vodka and subsequently have shocked my sisters and the primary president's husband who may never allow me around his kids again since I had to go to the liquor store and actually purchase alcohol. But it was so worth it. I'm not sure that I've ever had a better, more tender and flaky crust ever! And the alcohol all burns out in the oven so no hangover either!
might change how you look at pizza...
With the weather getting colder we have reinstated Friday night pizza in our home. Grace is an odd little duck and prefers to pick the toppings off her pizza, preferably in one big piece that she then will eat, followed by the saucy crust. Tonight as she was carefully picking of the browned, crusty cheese she said, quite seriously, 'I'm picking off the pizza's scab'. Think about THAT next time you bite into your pie.
Commercial Christmas
This time of year I am always filled with conflicting feelings when I go shopping. On the one hand, I hate, Hate, HATE that we can hardly celebrate LABOR DAY before the stores are filled with Christmas cheer. I like keeping the holiday's in their own times zones and not acknowledge Thanksgiving till Halloween is over, etc., and it is hard to do that with Christmas, and to a lesser extent, Thanksgiving merchandise slapping you in the face wherever you go. But on the other hand, I love these three holidays that end the year so much that its hard to wait for each appointed season. I've already caved and bought Christmas decorations and knick knacks. And the other day I surreptitiously put on some Christmas music. And then turned it right back off. It just isn't time yet.
Going to Ohio
During lunch today Sam decided that it was time for us to go on another car trip. He has chosen Ohio has our destination. Why, I really don't know. No matter how many times I tell him that no, we wont be going to Ohio any time soon, he is convinced that tomorrow after naps we are hitting the road. He has also decided that we will stop in Iowa to get out and run around to stretch our legs. Maybe we'll see Erin while we're there. I've explained to him that it would take us a LOOOOONG time to drive there, that he'd have to sit in his car seat for days, that he would get so bored and tired, but he has an answer for everything. We've looked on maps to see that it is at least 2000 miles away, MUCH farther then driving to Utah, which is the last long car trip that he remembers. At times I think I've got through to him. But a few minutes later I'll hear him tell Grace about what will happen tomorrow when we drive to Ohio. What do I do? Live with his disappointment I guess. Because as much as I want to be able to give my kids the things they want, I am NOT driving to Ohio tomorrow after naps.
In other news, Rob had a great weekend in Seattle with his family. His brother Rick got married Friday (finally, he's been with Candace for 5 years!). I stayed home with the kids because the wedding was not a kid friendly function and we didn't really have any child care options. Also our first big primary program practice was Sunday and since that is my deal, I had to be there for that. We had a mostly quiet weekend at home, except for when a moving truck ran into our building and took out a main support beam and demolished our neighbor's deck. A few apartments were deemed unsafe for living for a few days until they could build some new support frames. Luckily it was at the other end of the building from us so we were unaffected except for having to reassure Sam all weekend that no trucks were going to be taking out our deck. I couldn't get a picture since Rob had the camera in Seattle, but I'll try to scan in the picture from the paper and post it. ---except now I can't find the paper. Maybe Rob already tossed it. Oh well, if I find it, I'll post it on a later blog.
Meanwhile, here are some pictures from Rob's trip:
Rick and Candace got married on the top floor on one of the oldest sky scrapers in Seattle. The top floor was given to the owner of the building by the Empress of China. She sent over Chinese artisans and all the materials to build and decorate the room. Here's a shot of the ceiling. It's kind of hard to see from this picture, but all those tiles are inlaid into the ceiling.
Ode to our car upon reaching 200,000 miles
So small and gray
You always get us
On our way.
For 12 years
And 200,000 miles
You've filled our lives with
Joy and smiles.
Taking us to places
Far and near
We've had nary
A moment of fear.
You may not be very fast,
In a race we certainly would always be last
But you've plugged on in spite of odds
Getting us to family, stores, jobs
Or anywhere we need to go
From Thatcher, AZ to Monroe.
May your engine keep running
For years ahead
And do not be
Filled with dread
The time may come
When a van we will own,
But with us you will always have a home.
This weekend we made a quick trip to Coeur d'Alene to watch our niece Kayla participate in the Idaho Jr. Miss Pageant. She did fantastically well, winning in the talent competition and getting in the top ten of all the 30+ girls. It was definitly interesting, not to mention hilarious to watch all these teenage girls and their mothers get SO INVOLVED in the drama that is Jr. Miss. A few of the girls were genuinely impressive, a few fell apart from the pressure, but most were just regular girls, trying their hardest to be the most beautiful, graceful, talented, etc., and making funny mistakes along the way. Since I know too many people who participated in the program (the WA state champ is in our ward) I do have to admit that they do good work and it can be a positive experience for the girls. On the other hand, it is funny to hear so many of the adults connected to the program insist almost desperatly that it is NOT a beauty pageant but a scholarship program.
Here's some pictures from our weekend. This first is of the garbage goat at Spokane Riverside Park. You push a button and then can 'feed' your trash to the goat. The kids got a real kick out of it.
As we were driving around trying to find parking at the park, Grace mentioned that she needed to use the potty. A minute later Sam asked "Isn't there grass at the park?" I said there was. "Well, we can just use the grass to go potty then", says Sam. Rob patiently explained that we only go potty in the grass when we're camping. Apparently, John and Julie don't have the same rule in their family, as this picture of Porter shows. You'll notice Sam watching admiringly; it was indeed an impressive stream.
These next two pictures are at the hotel we stayed at. Rob's mom Elaine goes swimming any chance she can get, and so always tries to stay at a place with a pool.
Cut off Sam's head on this one, but got a nice shot of him losing his pants.
Grace, trying on Grandma's socks.
Funny Sam-ism
Said during nightly prayers: "Thank you for the morning when all the sleep will be gone from our bodies"
moving mayhem
In spite of what these pictures show, we now do have places to sit and sleep. Actually, we do have most of our stuff put away if you don't count all the stuff we stuffed into the third room and shut the door to hide!
Space, Glorious Space!
The big move is over and done with now and we are reveling in all our extra room. Thanks to our many willing helpers (hurrah for the Elder's Quorum!) and Rob's seriously fabulous ginger cookies to keep our energy up, we were able to move our entire household in about half a day. Of course, the cleaning and organizing will go on for awhile. I have pictures of the mayhem that is our new apartment, but for some reason they are not uploading in a timely manner and I need to get to bed. Suffice it to say, I do like our new place in spite of the hideously pink counter tops and the ghoul we have living in the water pipes (re: Harry Potter). We are no longer crammed in like so many sardines and we will even have space left over when everything is put away. Also we have new carpet and tile, which could very well be the only time in our lives that we ever have new carpet and tile. The layout is enough like the old place to make it feel homey and familiar, and enough different that Sam and Grace keep running into walls they are not expecting. (Alright, I admit I ran into a wall too, but in my defense it was the middle of the night and pitch black!) For those of you interested, our phone numbers stay the same and the address is also the same except for the apartment number, which is now B305. Good night!
Talk Like a Pirate Day:
Ahoy, me hearties! Tomorrow is Talk Like a Pirate Day. For those of you land lubbers who need a little help with pirate jargon, check out this video. Aarrggh!
Autumn of Pie Update
Made an apple cranberry pie yesterday. Did much better on the crust then my last attempt. I'm ruefully realizing that when they say cool to room temp before serving they really mean all the way to room temp. Otherwise you just have juice everywhere! I also ended up with about two inches of space between the top crust and filling once baking was done. Anyone know how to avoid this w/o precooking the filling? As far as taste go, I thought it was excellent, though I will defer to Rob's superior judgement if he has a differing opinion.
The Horror
Is there anything more disgusting that a parent has to do then potty train their child?
This little girl, though she looks an angel, is really a fiend from the firey depths when it comes to the potty. She knows what to do; has demonstrated countless times that she can recognize when to go and how to do it. And yet it is almost a game for her to have 'accidents'. Last week she even locked me into the bathroom so she could go have an 'accident' in her room. I thought she was just trying to close out the noise of my hair dryer.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
As I was scanning through our many photos, I was struck with how many of them feature food. I'm not sure why we have felt it necessary to document our food adventures. Rob and I do like to take on culinary challenges and many of these pictures represent hours of labor. Everything from scratch, of course. I present them to you now. Enjoy the feast.
Rob became interested in Pizza many years ago. It is now a Friday night tradition during non-summer months to fire up the oven and bake us some pies. He's amazingly good at it by now.
This one is a particular favorite of mine. Strawberry creme cake. I think it was for Rob's birthday two years ago.
Here we have Rob about to commit crabicide for our crab boil. For those who don't know what a crab boil is, let me enlighten. You fill the big pot with potatos, onions, corn on the cob, crab, shrimp, sausages, artichokes, spices, and who knows really what else. There is an art to it since everything has a different cooking time. Once everything is cooked but not over-cooked, the pot is then drained and the food is dumped down the center of the table. Everyone has their own bowl of melted butter and away you go. As I am anti-seafood, much to the consternation of Rob's family, I content myself with a pan-fried chicken breast.
Here's Rob's German Chocolate cake from last year. This one took quite awhile to make. The frosting is a bit of a process. I'm ashamed to say that this year Rob got a German Chocolate from a box. We threw it away after a few bites and promised never to open another cake mix again.
Rob braved a late spring storm to make sure we had our grilled kabobs for dinner. They were worth it.
These are pitas made from my good friend Collette's recipe. I've made them a few times since then and they just keep getting better.
And finally, I have proclaimed this the Autumn of Pie. I feel it is time for me to learn how to make a really good pie crust and a stellar apple/pumpkin/any other type of filling pie. Rob has generously volunteered to judge my efforts and eat up the disasters. This pictures is of my first attempt. It's apple, and it was really good!
First Day of School!
Yesterday was Sam's first day back at preschool. I think everyone in the family is excited for him to be going back to school. Except maybe Grace. She misses Sam much and is rather jealous that she doesn't get to go to school. Sam is excited to be seeing new friends and to be riding the bus again. I am not excited about the fact that we are now the first stop for the bus which comes at 7:10! We'll have to see how we do with such an early time this week. We might start driving him in the morning, especially in the winter when it will still be dark at that time.
In other news, it looks like we'll be moving next weekend on the 22nd. I think we've finally sorted out all the paperwork issues. There is just one more form for me to take care of today and then we'll be done (knock on wood).
Also, almost as soon as I published my last post asking for help in finding an Alabama quarter I found an Alabama quarter. We went to Baskin & Robins yesterday for a FHE/first day of school treat and I decided to use cash and there it was, in my change. In good condition too! However, if you still feel like keeping an eye out for coins for me, Rob told me yesterday that he wants to collect the new Lewis & Clark nickels. We have the one with the first sighting of the sea (Oh, the Joy!) so if you come across any others, hold on to them for us.
Your mission...
So I didn't know this about my husband till after I married him, but he likes to collect coins. I think its a gene that he gets from his father, the consummate collector. Lucky for me, Rob sticks to coins as opposed to the everything that Murland collects. So we have proof sets of different coins stashed here and there for the kids to inherit. We've started collecting the presidential 1$ coins and we've kept right on top of the state quarter collections. Except for one quarter. I'm not sure how it happened, but we don't have the Alabama quarter from 2003. So I'd like to enlist all of your help. Go through your change jars, check when you get change at the store, and if you have or find this quarter, send it to us!!! You will be more then fairly compensated and have our life long gratitude! Here's what the coin looks like:
Happy Hunting!